CraNE Joint Action
The CraNE Joint Action is proposed for funding in response to the flagship number 5 of the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan, which defines that the European Commission will establish by 2025, an EU Network linking recognised National Comprehensive Cancer Centres (CCCs) in every Member State.
The aim of CraNE is to build upon the outcomes of previous CanCon and iPAAC Joint Actions, preparing the necessary preconditions, either administrative or professional and especially those related to high-quality performance and access for the patient.
The process will facilitate the integration of both the existing CCCs as well as the newly characterized as CCCs across all EU Member States. The assessment of feasibility of such an EU Network of CCCs, taking into account the various Member States Health systems, will be performed in order to ensure the sustainability of the scheme.
The objectives of CraNE Joint Action can be summarized as follows:
● To prepare the necessary preconditions, administrative,
professional and those related to high-quality performance towards Networks of Comprehensive Cancer Centres.
● To link the development of Comprehensive Cancer Care Networks (CCCNs) in EU level with CCCs established in
individual Member States.
●To provide an assessment on sustainability and feasibility of networking of CCCs.

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