
Lead Beneficiary: 1st YPE

Objectives: The specific objective of this WP is to disseminate all the activities and outcomes of the overall progress of the WPs and inform all the related stakeholders (WP leaders, MS participants/ representatives of the JA, patient associations, NGOs, professional organizations, Ministries of Health, policymakers, hospitals and treatment centres etc).

Description: Further objectives of WP 2 are:

▪ To ensure the dissemination of the main recommendations and deliverables that have been developed in CraNE JA,

▪ To create a dissemination strategy for the JA,

▪ To provide a network of experts and/ or organizations for sharing experience, information and data and to communicate fundamental outcomes for the improvement of cancer care across MSs (European Union Countries/ European Economic Area),

▪ To increase awareness of cancer prevention, cancer care and cancer control in the general public and main stakeholders.


Download DocumentD2.1 Dissemination Strategy (PDF file, 1.734 kB)