
Lead Beneficiary: IOCN
Co - Lead Beneficiary: CIPH

Objectives: The main objective of WP 3 is to evaluate whether the JA as a whole has produced planned results, delivered expected benefits, and made desired change (evaluation of process, outputs and outcomes).

Description: Further WP 3 objectives include:

▪ To evaluate if project processes are going according to plan

▪ To evaluate whether the participants (WP leaders, stakeholders, MS representatives, etc.) are satisfied with the project’s processes

▪ To assess the outcomes of iPAAC Joint Action

▪ To monitor whether deliverables are produced on time and in accordance with the proposed objectives (JA outputs)

▪ To evaluate the ability to implement the new findings of this JA in Member States (the implementability factor; JA outcomes).


Download DocumentD3.2 Final Evaluation Report (PDF file, 10.629kB)