Author: kpapadimitriou (page 2)
World Pancreatic Cancer Day
World Pancreatic Cancer Day is recognised every year on the third Thursday in November. This awareness day is about bringing everyone together to spread the word about this disease and the need for earlier diagnosis. – Pancreatic Cancer is the…
🎗️Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2023
World Lung Cancer Day
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July 27th : World Head and Neck Cancer Day
July 27th is World Head and Neck Cancer Day. It was announced during the opening ceremony of the combined meeting of the International Federation of Head Neck Oncology Society (IFHNOS) 5th world congress and American Head Neck Society (AHNS) on 27th…
CraNE Internal in-person WPL Meeting in Slovenia, 7 – 8 September 2023, 🇸🇮
On September 7-8, 2023 CraNE workshop will take place in Slovenia. Key topics for discussion include CraNE key deliverable and deliverables from the Work Packages, the communication concerning CraNE JA to external partners and the public and the CraNE final deliverable…
2nd WP6 Online Meeting 5 June 2023
On 5 June the second WP6 online meeting took place. 61 participants from 37 organizations were attending including guests from the JRC and Joint Action JANE WP5 leader. During the meeting the first results of the five sub-tasks were presented,…
Join The European Week Against Cancer!
The European Week Against Cancer (EWAC) is a set of 7 days each year, from 25 to 31 May, to encourage all of Europe to use this time period to increase communication on issues about cancer and is concluded by the…
Workshop of CraNE WP7 21 April, Paris
This hybrid workshop to close the first consultation phase of the CraNE WP7 was held in Paris on 21 April 2023. During the working meeting, a summary of each sub-task for task 7.2 and 7.3 was prepared for our Partners…
1st Governmental Board 20 April, Brussels
On the 20th April 2023, CraNE’s first Governmental Board (GB) meeting took place at Sciensano in Brussels, in a hybrid format with about 59 participants from 18 countries. The meeting unfolded with short reports of objectives and expected outputs presented…